April Fools Day Pranks

I’ve compiled a list of April Fools Day pranks that I’ve come across today.
Will add more as I come across them, leave me a comment of any good ones you’ve seen


Stoked Energy Drink

The world’s leading wearable camera manufacturer is branching out into energy drinks.
Reporting to contain a “soupçon of something not unlike the chemical composition of Woodman’s epic sweat” should make for an interesting taste!


Universal FREE Wi-Fi

Samsung has come up with an ingenious way to deliver FREE WiFi to everyone using some feathered friends.


Google Magic Hand

Who needs to operate their mobile device when a robotic hand can do it for you!

Google Maps Pokémon Challenge

Google Maps want you to become a Pokémon Master!
Scour the world on your mobile in search of 150 hidden Pokémon characters. Think of it as an early global Easter egg hunt!

Google Maps Pokémon Challenge
Google Maps Pokémon Challenge
Google Maps Pokémon Challenge


Unforgettable destinations

Claiming that “you’ll be talking about these trips for years”, TripAdvisor is hoping that popular locations depicted in movies would make amazing holiday destinations.
TripAdvisor April Fools



A new way to browse New Zealand’s leading online trading site, with the blink of your eye!

Rydges Hotels


Want a discount on your next hotel accommodation stay, who wouldn’t?
Well, Rydges Hotels across Australasia have come up with an ingenious idea, self clean!